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A girl died of the plague and her father saw her in his dream

A girl died of the plague and her father saw her in his dream

Ibnul Qayyim (RahimAllah) said, 

“A girl died of the plague and her father saw her in his dream. He said, ‘my daughter, tell me about the hereafter.

So she said, 'We’ve approached a serious matter. We used to know but we didn’t act. I swear by Allah, to add one tasbeehah (saying Subhan Allah) or a single Rak'ah to my book of deeds is more beloved to me than the whole world and everything in it.’

This girl said words of great importance. 'We used to know but we didn’t act, but many of us don’t understand what she means.

🏜We used to know, that if we say Subhan Allah wa bi Hamdihi 100 times our sins are forgiven even if they’re like the foam of the sea (yet days and nights pass and we don’t say it)

🏜We used to know that two rak'ahs of Duhar prayer is the equivalent of giving 360 charities (yet day after day pass and we don’t pray it)

🏜We used to know that fasting a day voluntarily for the sake of Allah puts a distance between our face and the fire the size of seven trenches and Allah distances our face from the fire the distance traveled in 70 years, (and we haven’t fasted single day this week)

🏜We used to know that whoever visits a sick person is followed by 70,000 angels seeking Allah’s forgiveness on his behalf (but we haven’t visited a sick person this week)

🏜We used to know that whoever prayed a funeral prayer and followed it till it was buried has two Qiraats of reward and a Qiraat is like the mountain of Uhud, yet weeks pass and we haven’t been to the graveyard.

🏜We used to know that whoever builds a mosque even if it’s like a bird’s nest Allah builds a house for them in paradise (yet we haven’t contributed to the building of a Masjid, even with 10 dinars)

🏜We used to know that the one who supports the widow and her children is like the fighter in the path of Allah and the one who fasts all day and prays all night without sleeping. (Yet we haven’t contributed to sponsoring a widow and her children)

🏜We used to know that whoever reads a single letter from the Quran has a good deed and every deed is multiplied by 10. Yet we haven’t made a point to read it every day.

#DrMuhammadSalah #IslamicReminder  #Qyamah


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