How to Handle Hāram Earnings and Purchases: Islamic Advice on Repentance and Disposal
QUESTION:I earned money while working in a ḥarām job. I knew the job was ḥarām at the time but I continued working because I was overcome by weak Ēmān. But recently - Al-ḥamdu lillāh - I moved on to a ḥalāl job. My question is: This current ḥalāl job is going to pay me at the end of the month, so can I use my earnings from the previous job to get by for this month. Also, what do I do with the rest of the earnings and the clothes, shoes, purchases I made using the ḥarām earnings?
Sheikh Muḥammad Bā Jammāl ḥafidhahullāh:
كل ما كان من مال حرام لا يجوز له استخدامه ولا الانتفاع به وإنما يخرجه على معنى التخلص لا التصدق. ما كان من مال حرام فيصرفه في مصالح المسلمين العامة من سداد فواتير الكهرباء والماء حق المساجد. وأما الثياب فلقوم كفار والله اعلم. ونشكره على توبته ونوصيه بالصبر والاحتساب والثبات والقناعة. ومن يتق الله يجعل له مخرجا ويرزقه من حيث لا يحتسب.
It is not permissible to use or benefit from any ḥarām wealth, but rather one must give it away in order to dispose of it - not as a charitable act. Any ḥarām money should be spent on the general interests of the Muslims, such as paying electricity and water bills for masjids. As for the clothes, they should be given to the disbelievers, and Allāh knows best. We thank him for his repentance and advise him with patience, anticipation of Allāh's reward, steadfastness and contentment. And whoever fears Allāh, He will make a way out for him and provide for him from where he does not expect.
Sheikh ’AbdulKhāliq Al-’Imād ḥafidhahullāh gave a similar answer and mentioned other examples of spending on the general interests of Muslims, such as buying cleaning products for the masjid, improving toilet facilities, etc.
Sheikh Muḥammad Al-’Ansi ḥafidhahullāh mentioned another way to free oneself from ḥarām, which is applicable in the case of houses, cars, lands, etc. He said that it's not realistic to tell someone to get out of the house he lives in or to burn his car down (because it was acquired through illicit means). Instead, they can compensate for this by giving its worth (immediately or eventually) in charity from their ḥalāl earnings. This alternative was given by Ibnul Qayyim in Zaad Al-Ma’aad.
Sheikh Najīb Ash-Shar’abi ḥafidhahullāh:
إن كان مضطرا إلى المال الذي جمعه من العمل المحرم فإنه يأخذ منه قدر اضطراره، فإن زالت ضرورته أو كان في غنى عنه أصلا فإن الواجب التصدق به على الفقراء والمساكين أو في أعمال البر بنية التخلص منه. والملابس حكمها حكم المال.
If he is in dire need of the earnings from the ḥarām work, he can use from that according to his necessity. If his necessity is removed, or he is not in need of it at all, then he must donate it to the poor and needy or in charitable causes with the intention of getting rid of it. And the clothes are subject to the same ruling as money.
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