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Does losing concentration in Salah makes it invalid | Salah question answer

Does losing concentration in Salah makes it invalid | Salah question answer

Losing concentration in Salah | prayer faq 

Losing concentration in prayer will not invalidate the prayer, but it reduces the reward tremendously:

Ammaar bin Yaasir said: I heard the Apostle of Allaah ﷺ say: ❝ A man returns after saying his prayer while only a tenth part of his prayer, or a ninth part, or an eight part, or a seventh part, or a sixth part, or a fifth part, or a third part, or half of it, is recorded for him.❞

📚 [Sunan Abu Dawood (796) and graded as “Hasan” by Shaikh al-Albaanee]

So the reward is in proportion to one's Ikhlaas (sincerity) and alertness within the prayers. 

One should also note that it is a sign of weak Faith if one constantly loses concentration in the prayers, as the hypocrites used to do:

❝ {Verily, the hypocrites seek to deceive Allaah, but it is He Who deceives them. And when they stand up for as-Salaah (the prayer), they stand with laziness and to be seen of men, AND THEY DO NOT REMEMBER ALLAAH BUT LITTLE.}❞ 

📚 [Surah al-Nisaa (4): 142]

Making Duaa for worldly needs while in Sujood or outside of the the Salaah is not the question. It is how much do we concentrate on our Du`aa? 

 We should pray as if it is our last prayer or how a drowning person would pray.

#Salah #islmicqa #hadih


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