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Hardship of duniya and preparation of Aakhirah

Hardship of duniya and preparation of Aakhirah 

Life of a momin hereafter

One of my top favourite interactions from the blessed seerah

Umar (Crying - after seeing marks on rasool Allah's back ﷺ due to hardship and poverty) - Ya Rasool Allah ﷺ I have seen the palaces of Ceasar and Khosrau you deserve so much more than that. 

Rasool Allah ﷺ replies - Aren't you pleased Umar that for them is the duniya and for us is the akhira? 

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is basically saying don't worry about me. I am okay and content with Allah's decree.


Every time you go through a hardship whilst being firm in your submission and belief of Allah remember "for us is the akhira".

May Allah be pleased with us in this world and in the hereafter - Allahumma ameen!

Shamsiya Noorul Quloob


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