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Purpose of revelation of holy Qur'an | explanation in English

Purpose of revelation of holy Qur'an | explanation in English

Why people don't read the Quran

Had We sent down this Quran upon a mountain you would indeed have seen it humbling itself and breaking asunder out of the fear of Allah. We propound such parables to people that they may reflect. (59..21)

 The parable means that if a huge creation like a mountain had the sense and knowledge that it had been made responsible and accountable, like human, before Allah Almighty, for its deeds, it would have trembled from the fear of it. But how heedless, senseless and thoughtless is the man, who understands the Qur'an, and has known the whole truth through it, yet he is neither seized by any fear nor feels worried as to what answer he would give to his God about the responsibilities that have been placed on him. On the contrary when be reads the Qur'an, or hears it read, he remains un-moved as if he were a lifeless and senseless stone, which is not supposed to hear and see and understand anything.

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