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Story of a mother who make dua to live in Medinah

Story of a mother who make dua to live in Medinah

A mentor of mine mentioned in passing that his mom lives in Medinah. I found that really random so I asked him how that happened, to which he told me that his mom had been making du’a to live in Medinah since they were children.  After every prayer she would pray to live in Medinah. He said she did it so consistently that they grew up absorbing it almost as one of the rituals of prayer. 

When they got older, they began to question her unrealistic supplication. All of her children lived in America with no plans to leave it, how would she end up in Medinah? She would simply recite to them some of the virtues of Medinah and then put an end to the conversation by saying, “Besides, is it too big for Allah?” Though she had a 4th grade education, she knew more about Allah then them all.

Thirty years of making that supplication later, one of her sons- though he was married and with kids- decides that he wants to leave America and settle in Sudan. His mother, to everyone’s surprise declares she’s going with him. She had been here for decades, was advanced in age, and it may be difficult for her to resettle there.  She laughed and said, “I’m not staying in Sudan, I’m going to Medinah!” 

True enough as soon as they got to Sudan she kept requesting for her son to get them a umrah visa and off they went. Not before being met by a final obstacle though.  At Jeddah airport they were shocked when the immigration officer told them that their visas were no good. It seems the travel agent had sold them expired visas. 

The officer was frustrated and harsh, saying that if it wasn’t for the mother’s advanced age and her being in a wheelchair he would have put them on the first flight back. His mother however, retreated and did the only thing, and the greatest thing, she could do she made du’a. 

They had no idea where he came from, but a man with a pleasant face appeared and asked what the problem was, when the situation was explained to him he told them not to worry, pulled them aside, and while offering them tea granted them entrance and simply said, “Enjoy your umrah.”

They have since settled in Medinah for the past two years.  Her son was telling me this story while shaking his head in amazement at how it all came about and the persistence of his mother in her du’a.

I wanted to share this story with you on this Friday because you too have aspirations and dreams. And you have a Lord who makes them come true.  Worry about being sincere and committed in your asking and don’t worry about how it will come about, for nothing is too big for Allah.

Ammar Alshukry
#Dua #Medinah #Mother

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