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The three objectives of Quran by Hasan Al Basri

The three objectives of Quran

A reflection made by someone, worth reading it.

May Allah make us people of Quran ❤️ اللهم آمين 

The three objectives of Quran 


Hasan Al Basri's observation for His time is sadly the predominate truth for our time, that is, the Quran was revealed to act upon it but now the people have made their (qirah) reading its action (objective.) SubhanAllah reading alone does not meet the objectives of the Quran.  


The objectives of the Quran are:  

1. Reading it (with accuracy)

2. Understanding/ reflecting it 

3. Acting upon it  


The Quran should never just be ‘a text’ that one reads at speed. It should be read with precision, stored in the soul and alive in one’s thoughts and actions.  


SubhanAllah, everything in our world is created. It is only the speech of Allah Azzawajjal that is uncreated. This alone should put everything into perspective for us, that His words are the most deserving of our all. 'He chose' the words that He wants us to spend our lifetime reading, thinking and living in sha Allah. Alhamdulillah those words are the greatest gift for a believer. 


How many cultures today prioritise Quran readings/ Quran completions annually? Many. How many prioritise understanding and acting upon those reading? No example comes to mind. The majority have read the Quran in every decade of their life yet have still not met the objectives of the Quran. 


Alhamdulillah as long as one has a pulse then it is never too late. There are alhamdulillah millions of Quran aids from classes to tafsir commentaries online to aid the believer in developing their relationship with His Book. SubhanAllah even just a simple translation is enough to change one’s life as the Quran is a clear Book with its message being simple and clear to understand. One just needs sincerity and He will make a way.


A reading should always be followed by understanding. One should be so very eager to read the translation to know what one’s Lord is communicating to them. This should be accompanied by an immediate implementation (by His permission) to living His blessed words so we can be of the blessed in sha Allah.


Consider for every letter one reads with precision there are 10 rewards. One page has over 500 letters multiplied by 10 means 5,000 rewards added to one’s scrolls. SubhanAllah how can one leave such a gift from their day? If this is the gift for letters of the Quran then imagine what the gift of living the Quran is? SubhanAllah.


May Allah Azzawajjal allow us to read His Book with perfection, allow our minds and hearts to reflect His speech and our actions and speech to be of people of the Quran Allahuma ameen.

#Quran #learnquran #QuranSunnah


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