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He who loves to meet Allah, Allah loves to meet him

He who loves to meet Allah, Allah loves to meet him

Sahih Muslim Hadith:

Aishah (May Allah be pleased with her) reported:

The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, "He who loves to meet Allah, Allah loves to meet him; and he who dislikes to meet Allah, Allah abhors to meet him." 

I ('Aishah) said: "O Messenger of Allah! So far as the feelings of aversion against death is concerned, we all have this feeling." Thereupon he said, "I do not mean that. 

What I meant is that when a (true) believer is given the glad tidings of the Mercy of Allah, His Pleasures and His Jannah (at the time of death), he loves to meet Allah, and Allah also loves to meet him. 

When a disbeliever is given the news of the Torment of Allah and His Wrath (at the time of death), he dislikes to meet Allah and Allah also abhors to meet him."


#Love #Allah #Belief


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