Oh, my sisters be like pious women
Reminder for muslimah
Be a Khadeeja Radhi Allaahu Anha :
Be always loyal to Allah and his messenger no matter how hard it is and on judgement day you will see how Allah will thank you for this and reward you with what you have never seen even in your craziest dreams
Be a Maryam Alayhi Wasallam :
Keep your chastity intact and be pious and devote yourself to Allah and live your life under his obedience and on judgement day your face will shine with light and Allah will shade you when there will be no shade but His...
Be a Khawla Radhi Allaahu Anha :
Fight like a warrior against the trials of this world and do not give up! Remain in the battlefield and break shaiytan with your love for Allah..
Be a Ayesha Radhi Allaahu Anha : learn your deen and get knowledge and be sincere always and speak the truth even if it's against you and you will be named by the angels "the truthful woman"..
Be a Asiya Alayhi Wasallam:
Do not let this worldly life trick you, no matter how beautified it is to you and make Allah pass before anyone and anything in your life even if it cost you a lot and be ready to sacrifice everything for His sake even your life and he will build for you a palace in jannah inshaa Allah as He did for Asiya Alayhi Wasallam
Be a Fatima Radhi Allaahu Anha :
Walk and talk with hayaa (shyness) and do not let any non Mahram see you and lower your gaze on them, give up on being miss dunya and Allah will put a crown on your head on judgement day and dress you and beautify you like a queen and make you miss jannah who will enlighten jannah with her breathtaking eternal beauty
Oh my sister, give up on the haram music of dunya and Allah will make you listen to the most beautiful music in jannah in return..
Give up on Tabarruj in dunya and Allah will make you 70 times more beautiful than hoor AL ain in Jannah that if someone from earth were to see you he would die from your painful beauty...
Give up on wearing perfume outside in dunya and Allah will gift you the most expensive perfumes in jannah and make your fragrance reach the whole Jannah
Whatever you give up on for the sake of Allah, He will replace it to you with better and trust me the moment you will put your feet in jannah you will say :"I did nothing for Allah!" be a Sahabiya..
#Woman #Sisters #Role_Model
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