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Reading and Listening to Quran often puts you at the soothing state of mind

🔹Reading and Listening to Quran often puts you at the soothing state of mind!

🔹Making wudhu can easy your mind and can cure depression, as well as it is also suggested that one make Wudhu and pray 2 nafl salah and it is proven scientifically that there are amazing benefits of making wudhu which can normalize the system of your body.
🔹Doing dhikr (remembrance of Allah) with sincere heart can easy the burden of your heart. Make it a habit to do dhikr continuously even when you are busy in some work.
🔹Seeking forgiveness of Allah can remove all the distress and worries from your life. There are multiple istaghfar to seek Allah's forgiveness and one of them is saying SubhanAllahi Wa Bi Hamdihi , 100 times a day! Prophet Muhammad ﷺ used to seek forgiveness of Allah 100 times a day!
🔹Smiling often is beneficial too. And No! I'm not talking about fake smiles but the real ones! Help others , feed a poor , spent sometime with children or orphan , buy some gifts and give them to someone or loved ones , talk to parents and siblings , read good books , laugh with elders , sit with old people and food! Treat yourself once in a while with some good food and ofcourse chicken! 🐣❤
I pray to Allah, may He remove every hardships from our lives and help us to stay closer to Him always! Ameen!
"and seek help through patience and prayers.." -Quran 🌸

#Depression #Cureness #Quran #Prayers #Wudhu #Dhikr #Astaghfar #Smiling #Peace #Alhamdulillah

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