Sunan of Wudu’
Sunnah of Wudhu/Ablution
Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan حفظه الله said:
The sunnahs of wudoo’ are as follows:
1. Using siwaak, which is to be done when rinsing the mouth, so that by means of the siwak and rinsing the mouth, the mouth will be cleansed for worship and be prepared for recitation of Qur’an and conversing with Allah, may He be glorified and exalted.
2. Washing the hands three times when starting wudoo’, before washing the face, because of the hadiths which speak of that, and because the hands are the tools used to transport water to the other parts of the body, so washing them is prudent action before proceeding with wudoo’.
3. Starting by rinsing the mouth and nose before washing the face, because starting with them is mentioned in the hadiths; and one should do them thoroughly when not fasting.
What is meant by washing the mouth thoroughly is circulating water to all parts of the mouth, and when rinsing the nose it means taking up water to the deepest part of the nose.
4. In the case of a thick beard, ensuring that water reaches throughout; and making sure that water gets in between the fingers and toes.
5. Starting on the right in the case of the hands/arms and feet, before the left.
6. Washing more than once, up to three times, when washing the face, hands/arms and feet.
[al-Mulakhkhas al-Fiqhi, 1/44-45]
Another Sunnah is wiping the ears, according to the majority of scholars.
Imam Ahmad (رحمه الله) was of the view that wiping them is obligatory.
[Fataawa al-Islaam Suaal al-Jawaab, no. 226422]
#Wudu #Sunnah #Hadith
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