Truly, Allah wrongs not mankind in aught
إِنَّ اللّهَ لَا يَظْلِمُ النَّاسَ شَيْيًا وَلَـكِنَّ النَّاسَ أَنفُسَهُمْ يَظْلِمُونَ
Truly, Allah wrongs not mankind in aught; but mankind wrong themselves.
In the Hadith narrated by Abu Dharr, he states that the Prophet related that His Lord, Exalted and High is He, said:
يَا عِبَادِي إِنِّي حَرَّمْتُ الظُّلْمَ عَلَى نَفْسِي وَجَعَلْتُهُ بَيْنَكُمْ مُحَرَّمًا فَلَا تَظَالَمُوا
O My servant! I have prohibited oppression for Myself and made it prohibited for you, so do not oppress one another,Until He said at the end of the Hadith
يَا عِبَادِي إِنَّمَا هِيَ أَعْمَالُكُمْ أُحْصِيهَا لَكُمْ ثُمَّ أُوفِيكُمْ إِيَّاهَا فَمَنْ وَجَدَ خَيْرًا فَلْيَحْمَدِ اللهَ وَمَنْ وَجَدَ غَيْرَ ذَلِكَ فَلَا يَلُومَنَّ إِلاَّ نَفْسَه
O My servants! It is but your deeds that I reckon for you and then recompense you for.
So let him who finds good (in the Hereafter) praise Allah. And let him who finds other than that blame no one but himself.
The complete version was recorded by Muslim.
-Tafsir ibn kathir
#Tafsir #Quran #English
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