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How e Âlim (scholar) recognizes the Jâhil (ignorant)

How e Âlim (scholar) recognizes the Jâhil (ignorant)

Shaykh'ul Islâm Ibnu Taymiyyah Rahimahullâh stated,

والعالم يعرف الجاهل؛ لأنه كان جاهلا، والجاهل لا يعرف العالم لأنه لم يكن عالما

"The Âlim (scholar) recognizes the Jâhil (ignorant) since he was once a Jâhil.
The Jâhil does not recognize the Âlim since he has never been an Âlim." 

(Majmû'ul Fatâwâ, 13/235)
#Alim  #Jahil  #IslamicGK

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