How Sins can Cause you to Enter Paradise – Imam Ibn al Qayyim
Shamsuddeen Muhammad bin Abee Bakr Ibn Qayyim aj-Jawzeeyah (d.751 A.H.) -Rahimullaah- said:
‘Indeed a slave commits a sin and enters Paradise through committing it and he performs a good deed and enters the Hellfire through performing it.’
It was asked ‘How is this (possible)?’
Ibn Qayyim -Rahimullaah- answered:
‘A sin is committed and thus does not cease to be before his eyes (causing him to be) fearful of it, concerned about it frightened and weeping due to his regret of doing it. Feeling ashamed due to this action before his Lord The Most High, with his head lowered between his hands, and his heart broken and despondent due to it.
Therefore that sin will be more beneficial to him than numerous acts of obedience could be. As a consequence these previously mentioned matters are the cause for this slave of Allaah’s happiness and success until that sin will be a reason for him to enter Paradise.
A slave of Allaah performs a good deed and he continues to view it as if he has performed a favour for his Lord and is egotistic due to that good deed, and he is conceited, vain and arrogant due to the sin. So he says I did such and such action (boasting) causing to him to inherit the characteristic of pride, haughtiness and adopting an overbearing attitude.
This becomes the reason for his destruction.
Thus if Allaah Ta’ala intends good for the needy slave He trials him with something in order to bring him down and to lower his neck in humiliation and to decrease his importance to himself. However if Allaah intended for him (the slave) anything other than good He (Allaah) would have left him alone and his vanity and pride and this is the deception which necessitates his destruction.’
[Taken from: ‘al-Waabil as-Sayyib min Kalim at-Tayyib’ By Ibn al-Qayyim page 15]
#Sin #Jannah #Momin
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