Who is the best women | creation of women
Whoever marries a woman that wears the niqab and gloves, and does not watch TV, and aligns herself with the people of truth, and does not go to the hammam (public baths; pools, saunas), and does not complain too much, has obtained the woman of dreams.
[Shaykh Muqbil Ibn Hadi al-Wadi’ee (rahimahullah), al-Imaam al-Alma’i, pg. 248]
Creation of the Woman
Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan (حفظه الله) said:
The woman was created to be a wife, stay at home, raise the children and please her husband.
[al-Ittihaf, pg. 859, Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan (حفظه الله)]
~ The Best Woman
It was said to 'Aaishah (radiyAllahu ‘anha), “(Tell us) which type of woman is best?”
She (radiyAllahu ‘anha) said:
The (best woman is the) one who does not know about saying bad things, and she is not crafty like men;
her focus is on adorning herself for her husband and taking care of her family.
[ar-Raaghib al-Asfahani (rahimahullah), Muhadharat al-'Udaba, 1/410]
→ Ibn al-Jawzee (رحمه الله):
The best way to discipline a woman is by preventing her from speaking with other women (who are not righteous, who possess evil traits and morals) and (preventing her) from leaving the house (without a pressing need).
Further, (a wise, righteous, gracious) elderly woman should be assigned to discipline her, teaching her how to respect her husband, informing her of the rights of a husband, also to dignify (him) in her eyes he who spends moderately, and act as her preserver...
[Kitaab at-Tibb ar-Roohaanee, pg. 103]
✔ Umar ibn al-Khattab (radiyAllahu ‘anh) said:
The foulest of women is as-salfa’.
(as-salfa’ is the immodest woman who mixes with men and is not shy from them).
[‘Umar ibn al-Khattab (radiyAllahu ‘anh), Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah (rahimahullah), 3/325]
↭ I looked into the condition of women. I found that women in general are not religious and extremely ignorant. They seem to know nothing about the Aakhirah, except for those whom Allah guarded from such a trial.
[Ibn al-Jawzi (rahimahullah),
Captured Thoughts, pg. 162]
▨ The Noble Scholar of Hadīth Shaykh al-Albani (rahimahullah) stated:
It's not permissible for the woman to walk about on the pathways while her feet are uncovered (where foreignmen can see). That's because the two feet are from the 'Awrah of the woman.
[as-Silsilah as-Saheehah, 697]
#Women #Islam #WomenRights
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