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A short true story of Umrah by Fayaz Ahmed from Srilanka.

A short true story of Umrah by Fayaz Ahmed from Srilanka.

This true incident happened to me at Masjid-ul Haram in Makkah, Saudi Arabia.worth Sharing I had almost finished my Umra(short pilgrimage) and was in need of financial assistance.
So I prayed to Allah, and went out of the Mosque to finish the final rites of Umra.And as I was going a Turkish man carrying a 10 liter ‘Zam Zam’ water bottle, by mistake dropped it over my head (he was 6 feet tall and i am 5.3 foot tall). 
I felt an urge to shout at him but Allah made me control my temper, and instead I did Musabaha (Brotherly Embrace) with him, and forgave him. I felt really good at heart and went to my hotel with inner happiness.
There was still pain on my head, yet I had no choice but to go on with it and finish off my Umrah, by shaving my head or at least trimming it. 
I left for the barber with 10 riyal note clutched on to my hand. I told the barber to shave my head and sat down. He started it and when he finished, I gave the money to him. Astonishingly I didn't feel any pain during the process. 
Then I saw a man behind me who recognized me even though I could barely recognize myself in the mirror after the shave. He was the same Turkish man. I greeted him and asked if he spoke English. 
He said yes. We had a friendly conversation and i asked him to dine with me on an Asian food prepared by me. He agreed and after the meal he left thanking me with kind words. As I prepared to leave the hotel to go to Sri Lanka-my motherland the next day, I found out that my hotel bills have been paid by that Turkish man and a roll of bank notes summing up to 1000 riyal was left by the Turkish man with the receptionist for me. I thanked Allah and prayed for that man and left Saudi Arabia to Sri lanka. It was that day that i realized that the best way to show courage is by Love. This True Story was contributed by Fayaz Ahmed from Srilanka.

 Via : Umme mohammed

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