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How to live a productive life

Points on Living a Productive Life

1) Start your day with the *Fajr* Prayer. 
_Begin the day with Allah’s name, shun all the things that bring you shame._

2) Seek *forgiveness (istighfaar)* continuously, *abstain from sin* and you will receive an *increase in sustenance* (rizq).

3) Always remember to read *Salaat.*
It is the key to *success.*

4) Bear in mind that everything *you utter* is being *recorded.*

5) Do not lose hope ... even in a bad storm.

6) In the of midst of *worries and anxiety* recite * laa hawla wa laa Quwatta illa billah*.

7) Earn the *Duas* of the poor through *charity*.

8) Try to spend some time with the *Quran* instead of reading Newspapers and Magazines. 

9) Initiate *change within* yourself, and your family will follow you, in sha Allah. 

10) *Respect* your parents. They are the most important bounty and the means of *Allah Ta'alas pleasure.
_Rabbir hum huma kamaa rabbayaanee sagheera._

11) Do not lose your *temper.*
Do not hold *grudges*. Do not *break family ties*.

12) You have the *support* of The *Most Powerful* and The most wise Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala. Trust Him. 

13) *Salaah* is the best *coping mechanism*.

14) Abstain from *harming* others.

15) Whoever *speaks ill* of you behind your back, *forgive her*. She is already transferring her good deeds to you.

16) Salaat, Recitation of Quran and Zikrullah (the remembrance of Allah) will bring noor into your life, baraqah (blessings) in your day & contentment to your heart. You will feel motivated to do more good deeds. 

17) Remembering the *hellfire* is a deterrent from *committing sins*.

18) Don’t waste your *energy and time* arguing. You have more *important things* to do...

19) Have easy access to the *Quran*. Recitation of a single verse is *better* than worldly affairs.

20) The *beauty* of this life is nothing *without Imaan (faith).*

*Alhamdulillahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen.*

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