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Salaamun alaikum warahmatullah brothers and sisters in Islam,
This is the question many people are confused about, as there are some scholars who claimed that there is bid'atul hasanah (good innovation) in Islam.
Before we proceed, let us know what is bid'ah.
Bid'ah in the religion simply means: addition to the Deen or subtraction from it.
Allah the Almighty said in suratul as-shura vs 21" is there for them partners who instituted for them in religion what Allah has not permitted?

And the Prophet salla Allahu alayhi wa salam said" whoever introduced in this matter of ours ( Islam) what is not in it, it will be rejected"
( Agreed upon)

Back to our question.
Is there bid'atul hasanah in Islam?
There is no bid'atul hasanah in Islam, calling a part of bid'ah as hasanah after the Hadith is very cleared that it is haram is like saying" there is a good adultery, good stealing and good alcohol drinking.

This is because of the Hadith below: the Prophet salla Allahu alayhi wa salam said" and every bid'ah is astrayed (lead it's doer astray) and everyone who went astray will find himself in the hell"

I know some people will ask me these questions: if all bid'ah are bad, did the prophet used loudspeaker, why are you using loudspeaker?
Did he go to Hajj by plane, why are you going by plane?
The answer is: did the salah prayed in the mosque with loudspeaker superior to the one prayed in the mosque without loudspeaker? 
If the answer is no, then using loudspeaker is not in the religion it only facilitate it.

Is there extra reward for those who went to the Hajj by plane which those who went by horse didn't have? 
If no is the answer, then that is not the bid'ah we are talking about.
The bid'ah we are talking about is any deed which has no based in Islam that the innovator thinks he will be rewarded by doing it.
Oh my beloved brothers and sisters, every bid'ah is hell, let shun them.
May Allah save us from bid'ah.

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