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Saheeh at-Targheeb wa Tarheeb, vol. 2, pg. 247, no. 1577 and 1578

The Messenger of Allah (sallAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: 

A man said:

“Alhumdulillahi Katheera' (all praises and thanks be to Allah, excessively/abundantly) 

And the Angel found it greatly (difficult) to write it down. So he referred it to His Rabb.

So Allah, the Most High, said:

Write it down as my servant said it - “abundantly” (in another narration: Write for my servant My Mercy abundantly)

[Saheeh at-Targheeb wa Tarheeb, vol. 2, pg. 247, no. 1577 and 1578, al-Albani (rahimahullah), Graded: Hasan Lighayrihi (i.e., graded “good” due to corroborating evidence)]

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