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SURĀH AN-NISĀ: JUZ 4, PAGE 77, VERSE 1-6 explanation

SURĀH AN-NISĀ: JUZ 4, PAGE 77, VERSE 1-6  explanation


This Surah outlines the organisation of Muslim society: protecting the rights of society and the distribution of wealth, removing the negative traces of the time of ignorance before Islam and focusing on the rights of women and of those who are weak.


The surah gained its name because women are prominently mentioned in it, along with details of numerous laws concerning them.


O people, be mindful of your Lord, for it is HE Who created you from a single soul: your father Adam; and from Adam HE created his wife Eve, your mother. From the two of them, HE spread many people, both male and female, all over the earth. Be mindful of ALLĀH when requesting others by HIM, such as: I ask you, by ALLĀH, to do such- and-such. Also, be mindful of breaking relations with your blood ties. ALLĀH watches over you and nothing you do escapes HIM; rather, HE takes it into account and repays you accordingly.


Guardians, give orphans (whose fathers have died and who have not yet reached maturity) their wealth in full when they come of age and have sound judgement. Do not exchange what is permitted for what is prohibited: taking what is good and valuable from the property of the orphans and replacing it with something bad and of little worth from your own property. Also, do not take the property of the orphans and combine it with your own wealth - that is a great crime before ALLĀH.


If you fear that you will not be just in marrying the female orphans under your guardianship - fearing that you will not give them an appropriate dowry or will not treat them well - then do not marry them, and marry other women you choose. You may marry two, three or four; but if you fear that you will be unjust between them, then marry just one, or suffice with what you possess of slave women, for their rights are not the same as the rights of wives. This is the best way to avoid being unjust or biased. 


Give women their dowries with good will. Yet if they gladly give up a part of the dowry to you, of their own free will, then there is nothing to stop you enjoying it.


Guardians, do not give property to those who do not know how to manage it well. ALLĀH made this property a way to serve the interests of people and for them to live on it, and such people are not able to manage their wealth well. Provide for them, clothe them and speak to them in a good way. Make a firm commitment to give them their property if they get sound judgement and become able to manage it well.


Guardians, test the orphans when they are near to reaching maturity, by giving them a part of their wealth to see how they manage it. If they manage it well, and show you their sound judgement, hand over their property in full. Do not use up their wealth, overstepping the limits which ALLĀH has approved for you: use their wealth only when necessary. Do not rush to use it up for fear that they will take it when they reach maturity. Whoever is wealthy should not use up the property of the orphan; and whoever is poor and has no wealth should only use what is necessary. When you hand over their property to them, upon their reaching maturity and showing sound judgement, have it witnessed; to protect rights and to prevent causes of disagreement. Allah is sufficient as a witness for that, and takes account of all that people do.

[Almokhtasar fi Tafsir al-Quran al-kareem: Page 77]




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