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The effects of sins by Ibn Al-Qayyim Jawziyah

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Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim Al-Jawziyah explains to us the effects of sins in his book Al-Jawab Al-Kafi:

1) Prevention of knowledge: Knowledge is a light which Allah throws into the heart & disobedience extinguishes this light.

Imam Ash-Shafii said: “I complained to Wakee about the weakness of my memory, so he ordered me to abandon disobedience & informed me that knowledge is light. He said that the light of Allah is not given to the disobedient.”

2) Prevention of sustenance:

Just as righteousness brings about sustenance, the abandonment of righteousness causes poverty. There is nothing which can bring about sustenance like the abandonment of sins.

3) Prevention of obedience (to Allah): If there was no other punishment for sin except that it prevents one from obeying Allah then this would be sufficient.

4) Disobedience weakens the heart: The fact that it weakens the heart is clear. Disobedience continues to weaken the heart until its life ceases completely.

5) Disobedience reduces one’s lifespan and destroys any blessings: Just as righteousness increases one’s lifespan, sinning reduces it.

6) Living in sin: The servant continues to commit sins until they become very easy for him & seem insignificant in his heart and this is a sure sign of destruction. Every time a sin becomes insignificant in the sight of the servant it becomes great in the sight of Allah.

7) Disobedience brings humiliation and lowliness:Every aspect of honour lies in the obedience of Allah. 

Ibn Al-Mubarak said: “I have seen sins kill the hearts. & humiliation is inherited by their continuity. The abandonment of sins gives life to the hearts. And the prevention of your soul is better for it.”

8) Disobedience corrupts the intellect: The intellect has light & disobedience extinguishes this light. When the light of the intellect is extinguished it becomes weak and deficient.

9) Sealing of the heart: When disobedience increases, the servant’s heart becomes sealed so that he becomes of those who are heedless. 

Allah The Exalted said: [But no! A stain has been left on their hearts on account of what they used to earn (that is, their actions)] (Al-Mutaffifin 83: 14)

10) Sins cause various types of corruption to occur in the land:

Corruption of the water, the air, the plants, the fruit, and the dwelling places. The Exalted said: [Mischief has appeared on the land and the sea on account of what the hands of men have earned; that He may give them a taste of some of (the actions) they have done, in order that they may return] (Ar-Rum 30: 41)

11) Disappearance of modesty:
Modesty is the essence of the life of the heart and is the basis of every good. Its disappearance is the disappearance of all that is good. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: 

“Modesty is goodness, all of it.”

12) Sins weaken and reduce the magnification of Allah the Almighty in the heart of the servant

13) Sins are the cause of Allah forgetting His servant:

Sinning also causes Allah to abandon him and leave him to fend for himself with his soul and his Satan and in this is destruction from which no deliverance can be hoped for.

14) Being removed from the realm of benevolence:

When a person’s sins, benevolence is removed from his heart. When benevolence fills the heart it prevents it from disobedience.

15) Disobedience causes the favours (of Allah) to cease & makes His revenge lawful:
No blessing ceases to reach a servant except because of a sin, and no retribution is made lawful upon him except because of a sin. Ali ibn Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) said:

“No trial has descended except due to a sin and it (the trial) is not repelled except by repentance.”

๐Ÿ“– [Based on Al-Jawab Al-Kafi by Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyah (Rahimahullah)]

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