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The Endless Thirst for Knowledge

“The Endless Thirst for Knowledge.”

Knowledge, in the beginning, is hard, it cannot be attained overnight. It requires sincerity, in particular, time, dedication and utmost effort. Then Allah makes it easy for whom He wills. Knowledge is an illumination between the heart of the believers and Allah, and the illumination of Allah cannot be given to just anyone. 

The hardest thing is the first step, after that it becomes easy. The more you get going the easier it will become. After beginning your first few steps, you’ll learn to walk, then run and then sprint. But the beginning requires most striving and support, guidance and direction from the scholars without whom you’d walk into a wall and fall back. 

Just like exercise, you build up gradually. 

Indeed, the endless thirst of the student of knowledge can never be quenched. The best thing you can do after the pillars of Islam is to seek knowledge and become the inheritors and deputies of the Prophets and the Messengers. 

Only after such hard work and striving do you reach the sweetness delight taste of faith, through learning, implementing and communicating.

#Ziyam #IslamicKnowledge #Dawah

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