Ruling on Celebrating Valentine’s Day
🎓Imaam Muhammad Ibn Saaleh Al-Uthaymeen [rahimahullaah] said:
Celebrating Valentine’s Day is IMPERMISSIBLE due to [several] reasons:
-Firstly: It is an innovated Eed [holiday]. It has no basis in the Sharee’ah.
-Secondly: It calls to passion and infatuation.
-Thirdly: It is a means of preoccupying the heart with the likes these insignificant affairs and it is in opposition to the guidance of the Salafus Saaleh [The Pious Predecessors].
📌Therefore, it is IMPERMISSIBLE to initiate anything on this day [i.e. specifically on Valentine’s day] related to [celebration], whether it is foodstuffs, drinks, clothing, and exchanging gifts or other than these [actions]. It is obligated on a Muslim to nobly [adhere to his (or her)] religion and he [or she] should not be one who goes with the flow- following everyone who calls to something.
📚[Source: (Majmoo Fataawaa 16/199).
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