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How to start preparing for Ramadan

Preparation for Ramadan | Islamic Reminder

🌟 In last month of Rajab we hear to prepare for Ramadan & again in this month of Sha’baan & reasons why is because is not guaranteed for any of us to make it to Ramadan. 
Most people want to better themselves in Ramadan & some want to start praying in Ramadan & this is a negative way of thinking and opening way for shaytan to delay your repentance & your wajib duties. 

🌟 You must start repenting now, today & start praying your obligatory salah. You do not want to enter in Ramadan with package of sins when you can get rid off them today and beyond by repenting to Allah truly and sincerely. The month of Ramadan is between two giant blessed months which are rajab last month and Ramadan which is 19-20 days Insha’Allah. 

🌟Start your preparation now because who said tomorrow is promised and who promised you that you will make it to this Ramadan? 

Whatever sins you are involved in start repenting now, make a lot a lot of Du’a, praying your salah on time and do what pleases Allah. Allah is most most merciful regardless what sins you commit as long as you repent sincerely for His sake.

🌟 No one with sound mind wants to die in state of sins & face the great trials in the grave. Be rational and do what Allāh ﷻ commanded you to do. This is not a joke & our death has been written already and know that some of us won’t make it to this Ramadan. Take advantage of your health and the ability Allah gave you to return to Him today, for tomorrow is not promised. 

🌟 Regardless what sins you do the pillars of Islam are wajib upon you. The changes you about to make to please Allah make sure you continue well beyond Ramadan until the soul returns to Allah.

May Allah guide us all and to what pleases Him. آمــــــــين
#Ramadan #Preparation  #IslamicReminder

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