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Part 5: Be Prepared to Receive the Best of All Months! 

The month of Ramadān is the season of Divine Blessings. It is the month of purification and is meant for the annual renovation of the inner spiritual qualities. It is a golden opportunity for every Muslim to strengthen his Imaan, purify his heart and soul, and remove the evil effects of the sins committed. The month invites a Muslim to minimize his mundane involvements and maximize the acts of worship. Therefore, one should plan his schedule for this month beforehand in other to spare maximum time for worship. 

The Prophet (ﷺ) said:
"Ramadān has come to you. A month of blessing, in which ALLĀH covers you with blessing, for HE sends down Mercy, decreases sins, and answers prayers. In it, ALLĀH looks at your competition (in good deeds) and boasts about you to HIS angels. So show ALLĀH goodness from yourselves, for the unfortunate one is he who is deprived in (this month) of the Mercy of ALLĀH, the Mighty, the Exalted." [Imam at-Tabarani]

Just Imagine you’re given a month to spend in a goldmine and all you come out with is copper. Won’t you feel disappointed, perhaps stupid? That’s the metaphor for those who go into the month of Ramadān and get very little out of it.

The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Verily, Jibrīl came to me and he said: Whoever reaches the month of Ramadān and he is not forgiven, then he will enter Hellfire and ALLĀH will cast him far away, so say amin. I said amin...” [Sahih Ibn Hibban]

The month of Ramadān is full of enormous spiritual wealth, and treasure chests of rewards, rewards given to us on a golden plate and all it requires is some effort from our side. In fact, ALLĀH (ﷺ)made it so easy for us that he locked up those evil devils so they don’t do their whisperings in our ears and stop us from making the most of Ramadān… what more do we want?! 

We ask ALLĀH ﷻ to make us of those who will reach the blessed month of Ramadān and able to maximize the rewards therein, āmīn.


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