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Story of PROPHET: HUD - HOOD (عليه السلام) Part 7

Story of PROPHET: HUD - HOOD (عليه السلام) Part 7

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الإمام ابن كثير ‎ - قصص الأنبياء

PROPHET: HUD (عليه السلام)



“It is the same to us whether you admonish us or you are not one of those who admonish. This is nothing other than the customary religion of the ancient people. And we are not going to be punished.” (2:136-138) The Arabic word for ‘CUSTOMARY RELIGION’ which is mentioned in the original text of the Qur’an is KHULUQ, which means that the religion which we follow is nothing other than what our forefathers and ancestors followed. We shall not be changing our way or beliefs. However, if we read it, following another pattern of Qira’at, which is KHALQ, then it will mean invention or falsification; that whatever you have brought to us is nothing more than your own fabrication, which you may have taken and devised from ancient books. Both Qira’at are possible and relate to what they said: “And we are not going to be punished.”


“He said: ‘The anger of your Lord has fallen upon you. Do you dispute with me about names which you and your fathers have invented? And for which Allah has sent down no authority. Then watch and wait, and I will be watching and waiting with you.” (7:71) Prophet Hud said: By this behavior and intransigence now you have imposed upon yourselves the anger and the wrath of Allah. Now when you have rejected the Truth and the Right Path and want to keep indulged in your false and erroneous way, wait for the chastisement of Allah which has now become incumbent. There is nothing which could turn it away now, and will very soon befall upon you.


“He said: ‘My Lord! Help me, for they accuse me of falsehood.’ Allah said: ‘Very soon they will become remorseful.’ The Blast then seized them with justice, and We cast them away like rubbish of dead plants, so away with evildoers!” (23:39-41) 

And He said: “They said: ‘Have you come to turn us away from our gods? So bring us what you threaten is with, if you are truthful.’ He said: ‘The knowledge is only with Allah, and I convey to you the Message with which I am sent. But I see that you are an ignorant people.’ Then, when they saw it as a dense cloud coming towards their valleys, they said: ‘This is a cloud that shall give us rain.’ No this is that you were asking to be hastened! A wind wherein is a painful torment. Destroying all things by the Command of its Lord, so there remained nothing to be seen except their dwelling places.” Thus do we recompense the sinful people. (46:22-25)

اَللّٰهُ أَعْلَم

 To be Continued…

ان شاء الله ﺗﻌﺎﻟﯽٰ

#Prophet  #Hud #Story


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