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Story of PROPHET: ADAM (عليه السلام) PART 10

Story of PROPHET: ADAM (عليه السلام) PART 10

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الإمام ابن كثير ‎ - قصص الأنبياء

PROPHET: ADAM (عليه السلام)

PART: 10

The Prophets’ Covenant

Almighty Allahﷻ declared:

"Remember when We took from the Prophets their covenant, and from you (o Muhammad), and from Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus son of Mary. We took from them a strong covenant. 

(Ch 33:7 Quran).

In another verse Allah the Exalted commanded:

"So set you (O Muhammad) your face towards the religion of pure Islamic Monotheism Hanifan (worship none but Allah Alone) Allah's Fitrah (Allah's Islamic Monotheism), with which He has created mankind. No change let there be in khalqillah (the Religion of Allah--Islamic Monotheism), that is the straight religion, but most men know not." 

(Ch 30:30 Quran).

Another version of the story relates that Allah took a handful of the dust of the earth and mixed into it the colors, white, black, yellow and red. That is the reason why men are born different colors. When Allah mixed the dust with water, it turned into potter's clay that makes a sound. It was fermented and had a smell. Iblis passed by, wondering what was going to be made of that clay. From the clay Allāh created Adam. he molded his form with His own hands and blew His spirit into him. Adam's body quivered as life was imbued into it.

Similarity between Adam and Jesus (Peace Be Upon Them)

Allah the Almighty declared 

"Verily the likeness of Jesus, in Allah's Sight is the likeness of Adam, He created him from the dust then He said to him "Be!" and he was. 

(Ch 3:59 Quran).

The Meaning of the Angel's Prostration

Adam opened his eyes and saw all the angels prostrating before him except one being who was standing at a distance Adam did not know what kind of creature it was that did not prostrate before him nor did he know its name. 

Iblis was standing with the angels so as to be included in the command given to them but he was not one of them. He was a jinn, and as such he was supposed to be inferior to the angels. 

What is clear is that this prostration was to show respect and did not mean that the angels were worshipping Adam. Prostrating in worship is done only for Allah.. 

Almighty Allah recounted the story of Iblis's refusal to prostate before Adam:

"Remember when your Lord said to the Angel's, 'I am going to create a man (Adam) from sounding clay of altered black smooth mud. So when I have fashioned him completely and breathed into him (Adam) the soul which I created for him then fall you down prostrating yourselves unto him'. So the angels prostrated themselves all of them together, except Iblis, he refused to be among the prostrators. 

Allah said

'O Iblis! What is your reason for not being among the prostrators?' 

Iblis Said: 

'I am not the one to prostrate myself to a human being, whom You created from sounding clay of altered black smooth mud.' 

Allah Said: 

'Then get out From here for verily you are Rajim (an outcast or cursed one). Verily the curse shall be upon you till Day of Recompense (Day of Resurrection)'". 

(Ch 15:28-35 Quran).

 To be continued…

ان شاء الله ﺗﻌﺎﻟﯽٰ

#Prophet  #ADAM #Story


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