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My wife is a muʿallimah (ie: teacher) and we have six children.

Q: “My wife is a muʿallimah (ie: teacher) and we have six children.
س: زوجتي معلمة، ولدي ستة أطفال منها،

She gets very tired because of her job, along with the attention she must give to her children and the responsibility of the household.
وهي تتعب كثيرا في عملها، ومع أطفالها في العناية بهم، مع قيامها بأعباء المنزل؛

In addition to this (what she must do to prepare for) the frequent hosting of our relatives and our families (when they visit).
فضلا عن كثرة زيارات أقاربنا وأهلنا لنا،

My question is: is it therefore permissible to hire a khādimah Muslimah (ie: female Muslim maid) who will take care of helping my wife and relieving her of her chores?
والسؤال هو: هل يجوز استقدام خادمة مسلمة لتقوم بمساعدة زوجتي وتخفيف العبء عنها؟

Give us advice, may Allah reward you with good.”
أفتونا مأجورين جزاكم الله خيرا.

A: “I advise you not to hire the services of a maid as long as the situation is as you have mentioned.
ج: ننصحك بعدم استقدام خادمة ما دام الحال كما ذكرت،

As for your wife, she must stay at home to take care of her children, and fulfill her duties towards you and fulfill household needs.
وعلى الزوجة أن تبقى في المنزل لتربية أولادها، والقيام بحقك وحاجة المنزل،

Indeed, the job is not compulsory, as long as it results in what you mentioned in your question.
والعمل ليس بلازم إذا ترتب عليه ما ذكرته في سؤالك،

May Allah rectify everyone's situation.
أصلح الله حال الجميع.

May Allah grant us success and may Allah's prayers and salvation be upon our Prophet Muḥammad, his family and his companions.”
وبالله التوفيق، وصلى الله على نبينا محمد وآله وصحبه وسلم.

al-Lajnah ʾl-Dāʾimah, Fatāwá al-Lajnah al-Dāʾimah - 1 14/384 #12640
اللجنة الدائمة للبحوث العلمية والإفتاء، فتاوى اللجنة الدائمة - 1 ١٤/٣٨٤ #١٢٦٤٠
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