Virtues of ʿA‘isha رضي الله عنها
١. She was the dearest wife of the Prophet ﷺ.
٢. The Prophet (ﷺ) did not marry any other virgin but her.
٣. He did not marry a woman whose parents were both Muḥājrīn except her.
٤. Allāh revealed many verses from the heavens regarding her innocence.
٥. She always had knowledge on something the Saḥāba were unsure of.
٦. Jibrīl brought my portrayal from the heaven in silk and said to the Prophet (ﷺ), “marry her, she will be your wife.”
٧. He and her used to bathe from the same vessel, and he did not do that with any of his wives except her.
٨. The revelation would come to him while he was with her, and it did not come down when he was with any of his wives except her.
٩. Allāh took his soul while he was against her chest.
١٠. He ﷺ died on the night when it was her turn.
١١. He ﷺ was buried in her room.
● [جلاء الأفهام في الصلاة والصلام على خير الأنام ١\٢٣٧-٢٤١]
#Sahabah #IslamicKnowledge #Dawah
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