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Man was created weak Quran explanation

Man was created weak|  Quran |  explanation


✍️ Allāh عز وجل says, 

“..and man was created weak (cannot be patient to leave sexual intercourse with woman)”

📚[an-Nisā’ 4:26-28] 

“Now Allāh has lightened your (task), for He knows that there is weakness in you”

📚 [al-Anfāl 8:66] 

✍️Al-‘Allāmah at-Tāhir ibn ‘Ashūr (may Allāh have mercy on him) said: 

“Some commentators explained weakness here as referring to weakness with regard to the temptation of women. 

✍️Tawūs said: 

‘Man is never weaker than he is in the face of the temptation of women. But the meaning of the verse is not limited to this context, although it is definitely to be noted here’..”

📚[At-Tahrīr wa’t-Tanwīr 5/22] 

✍️Ibn al-Jawzī (may Allāh have mercy on him) mentioned three views concerning the verse, as he said: 

“With regard to what is meant by human weakness, there are three views:

1. That it refers (in general terms) to man’s inherent weakness. 

✍️Al-Hasan said: 

It (refers to the fact that) he was created from semen of worthless water

📚 (32:8). 

2. That he is weak and lacks patience in the face of the temptation of women. 

✍️This was the view of Tawūs and Muqātil. 

3. That he is weak in resolve when overwhelmed by emotions and desires. 

✍️This is the view of az-Zajjāj and Ibn Kīsān.

📚[Zād al-Masīr 1/395] 

✍️Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allāh have mercy on him) said, 

after quoting the views of some of the salaf concerning the meaning of the verse: 

“The correct view is that his weakness includes all of that, and his weakness is greater and more far-reaching than that, for he is weak in physical structure, weak in will, weak in resolve, weak in knowledge, and weak in terms of patience. The problems and troubles that result from this weakness rush to him more quickly than a stream running downhill.”

📚 [Tarīq al-Hijratayn 1/228

#Man #Weakness #Temptation


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