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Three Benefits of Learning While Young - by Sheikh Ibn 'Uthaymīn

Three Benefits of Learning While Young - by  Sheikh Ibn 'Uthaymīn

التعلم في الصغر خيرا بكثير من التعلم في الكبر، وفي كل خير،
Learning at a young age is a lot better than learning at an old age, and there is goodness in both of them.

 لكن التعلم في الصغر فيه فائدتان عظيمتان 
However, there are two great benefits in learning at a young age:

الفائدة الأولى: أن الشاب في الغالب أسرع حفظاً من الكبير، 
The first benefit is that mostly, youngsters are quicker in memorization than those who are older.

لأن الشاب فارغ البال ليست عنده مشاكل توجب انشغاله
That's because the minds of youngsters are not preoccupied. He does not have problems that will preoccupy him.

الثاني: أن ما يحفظه الشاب يبقي، وما يحفظه الكبير ينسى، 
The second (benefit) is that whatever they memorize lasts (in their memory), while that which those who are older memorize is forgotten.

ولهذا كان من الحكمة الشائعة بين الناس: ((أن العلم في الصغر كالنقش في الحجر)) لا يزول
That's why one of the well-known proverbs among people is that "knowledge (that is gained) at a young age is like engraving on stone." It does not go away.

وفيه فائدة ثالثة: وهي أن الشاب إذا ثقف العلم من أول الأمر صار العلم كالسجية له والطبيعة له، وصار كأنه غريزة قد شب عليه فيشيب عليه»
Therein is a third benefit as well that when youngsters grasp knowledge from the very beginning, knowledge becomes like their innate nature and natural disposition. He grew up with it (knowledge), so he will grow old upon it.

Credits : Rabbaniyeen
#IslamicKnowledge #Reminders #Hifz

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