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Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim on the Three Types of Hearts: A Guide to Self-Improvement

How to Achieve a Sound and Healthy Heart in Islam

Three Types Of Hearts 
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim رحمه الله said : “ There are three types of hearts : ⁣
1. A Sound & Healthy Heart
A sound and healthy heart is what which is attached to Allah alone. A person who possesses this heart will do anything for the sake of Allah alone. A person with true and a sincere heart will:⁣
• Forgive people for the sake of Allah .⁣
• Control anger and desires for the sake of Allah .⁣
• Get involved in healthy discussions for the sake of Allah .⁣
• Be humble and kind with his parents, spouse, children for the sake of Allah .⁣
• And all other praiseworthy traits.⁣
2. A Dead Heart
A dead heart is the opposite of a healthy heart. It does everything to please itself. It is slave of its own desires. If money is what a person with a dead heart desires, then he becomes a slave of money. He does everything and anything for the sake of earning money irrespective of whether it is earned in a halal or haram way.⁣
3. A Sick Heart ⁣
A sick heart swings between a healthy and a dead heart. This person has love for Allah , faith in his heart, sincerity towards his duties but at the same time, also loves his desires and prefers them.”⁣
( Source : Taken from Lagathatul Lahfan Fi Masayid Ash-Shaytan by Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim (d. 751H) رحمه الله )⁣
Wallahu Ta’ala a’lam ⁣

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