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Prohibitions and Diseases of the Tongue in Islam

The Prohibitions of the Tongue in Islam

* It is forbidden to ask for anything before giving salaam, and to praise one another.

* It is forbidden to bear false witness.

* It is forbidden to falsely accuse chaste women.

* It is forbidden to accuse the innocent or to engage in slander or defamation.

* It is forbidden to slander, backbite, call one another by offensive nicknames, gossip, make fun of Muslims, boast about one's lineage, cast aspersions on a person's lineage, swear, curse, utter obscenities, speak in an offensive manner or utter evil in public except by one who has been wronged.

* It is forbidden to lie, and the worst kind of lies are lies about dreams, such as making up dreams and visions for the purpose of improving one's status, making some material gains, or alarming someone towards whom one feels enmity. One of the punishments for lying about dreams is that the person who is guilty of this will be instructed on the Day of Resurrection to do something impossible, namely to tie two grains of barley together.

* It is forbidden for a person to praise himself. 

* It is forbidden to exclude people, such as two people excluding a third, because this makes the excluded person sad. 

* It is forbidden to hold secret council for sin and wrongdoing and to curse the believers and those who do not deserve to be cursed.

* It is forbidden to raise one's voice above the voice of the Prophet (ﷺ), which includes raising one's voice above the voice of a person reading or reciting hadeeth, and raising one's voice near his grave.

* It is forbidden to curse the dead.

* To curse the cockerel, because it wakes people for prayer.

* To curse the wind, because it merely does what it is instructed.

* To curse sickness, because it is an expiation for sin.

* To curse the Shaytaan, because this only makes him feel great - the best thing to do is to seek refuge with Allah from his evil.

* It is forbidden to pray for or wish for death because of some harm that has befallen one, or to pray against one's self, one's children, one's servants or one's wealth.

* It is forbidden to call grapes karm, because the people of Jaahiliyyah used to think that wine led to generosity or nobleness (karam). 

* It is forbidden to say "My soul has become evil (khabuthat nafsi)," or to say "I have forgotten such-and-such an aayah" - instead, one should say "I have been made to forget." 

* It is forbidden to say, "O Allah, forgive me if You want to," because we should be positive in our du'aa's and pleas. 

* It is forbidden to address a munaafiq (hypocrite) as sayyid ("Mister"). 

* It is forbidden to say, "May Allah make you ugly!" especially when this is said by a husband to his wife. 

* It is forbidden to say "raa'inaa" in Arabic, this means "Be careful; listen to us and we listen to you," but in Hebrew it means "an insult," and the Jews used to say it to the Prophet (ﷺ) with bad intentions. 


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