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How to Make Dua That Are Accepted by Allah

7 Conditions for Dua Acceptance

 If a supplication is combined with:
☆ a complete presence and consciousness of heart for the objective,
☆ coincides with the six prescribed times of acceptance - and they are: The last third of the night, the time [immediately after] the adhan, between the adhān and the iqāmah, at the end of the prescribed prayers [before the taslim], from the time the Imām ascends the minbar on the day of Jumu'ah until the Şalāh is completed, and the final hour [of Jumu'ah] after 'Asr,
☆ along with submissiveness in the heart and contrition before the Lord, feeling insignificant, imploring and feeble, 
☆ while the one making du'ā faces the qiblah,
☆ is in a state of purity,
☆ raises his hands upwards towards Allāh - Lofty is He,
☆ and begins with praise and extolment of Allāh,
☆ then sends blessings and salutations upon Muhammad His servant and Messenger,
☆ then states his need for repentance and forgiveness before addressing Allāh,
☆ being persistent in his request while ingratiating oneself and flattering Him,
☆ calling on Him with hope and fear, ☆ seeking intercession by way of His Names, His Attributes and His Oneness,
☆ and offering an act of charity,
 *Indeed this du'ā, it is rare that it would be rejected*
☆ especially if it corresponds with the supplications that the Prophet has informed us are most likely to be answered and they contain the Greatest Name of Allāh.
[الجواب الكافي ١٢-١٨]

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