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Tawheed: The Ultimate Remedy for Distress and Anxiety

Tawheed: The Key to Peace and Comfort in Difficult Times

Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah رحمه الله said:

“Nothing repels the extreme worldly hardships as does Tawheed, this is why the supplication for distress and anxiety is with Tawheed.

A distressed person does not make duʿā’ with the supplication of Prophet Yūnus, except that Allah drives away his distress and anxiety with Tawheed.

There is nothing more gruesome for the distressed person than Shirk, and there is nothing that can rescue you from it except Tawheed. It is the place of refuge for the creation, its shelter, its fortress and its means of (seeking) aid.”

Al-Fawā'id, p.66

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