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Unlocking the Quran's Power: Overcoming Laziness and Deepening Contemplation

Don't Let the Shaytan Win: Practical Strategies for Consistent Quran Engagement (Action-oriented and emphasizes overcoming obstacles)

✍️Shaykh Muḥammad ibn Ṣāliḥ al Uthaymīn رحمه الله stated:

‎The person is tested with two matters when he reads the Qur'ān:‏

1⃣. ‎Either laziness and not being persistent in reading.

 2⃣. Or not contemplating (upon the meaning).

So if you seek refuge in Allāh from the accursed shaytaan, Allāh will protect you from him,

and you will be granted success to continue reading and contemplating (upon the Qur'ān)

➡️ [Sharh Buloogh al-Mar’aam, 2/50]


The key, as the Shaykh points out, is to seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Shaytan. By acknowledging our vulnerability and seeking Allah's protection, we open ourselves to His grace and the strength to persevere.

The reward for overcoming these challenges is immense: continued reading and deeper contemplation of the Qur'an. It's in this deeper engagement that we truly unlock the Qur'an's guidance, wisdom, and comfort.

Here are some takeaways from the quote:
  • Be aware of the two challenges: Laziness and lack of contemplation can easily creep in during Qur'an reading.
  • Seek refuge in Allah: Turn to Allah for strength and protection against the Shaytan's whispers.
  • Contemplate the meaning: Don't just read the words, but actively reflect on their significance and application in your life.
  • Persistence is key: Don't give up if you struggle initially. Keep seeking Allah's help and persist in your reading and contemplation.
  • May Allah grant us all the strength and guidance to overcome these challenges and truly benefit from the Qur'an's wisdom and beauty.

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