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From Badr to Uhud: Understanding Trials and Triumphs in Islamic Life


No one is more foolish than he who deals with ALLĀH based on worldly gain.

What would then be the wisdom behind afflictions?

Nay! There is no escaping from things not going the way we want, neither for answers to questions to seize, or for the enemies to be spiteful at times.

He who expects to always be safe and victorious over his enemy, and to be free from afflictions is someone who does not understand duty, and does not comprehend the reality of surrender.

Was not the Messenger (ﷺ) victorious in the battle of Badr, but later went through what he went through in the batde of Uhud?

Was not he prevented from reaching the House, but then he was able to reach it?

Life must thus contain good and bad. Receiving good necessitates giving thanks and receiving bad provokes begging and praying.

If the prayer is not answered then it is surrender that is required.

This is where true belief and the essence of men become apparent. If a person surrenders from the inside and outside, then this is perfection (in servitude to ALLĀH).

Yet, if a person feels pain inside because of the effect of ALLAH’S Divine Decree and not from the decree itself—a person surely feels pain from things that harm him—then this is indicative of a lack of knowledge.

Should a person begin to complain verbally, then this is how ignorant people behave.

And we seek refuge with ALLĀH from acting so.

[Ibn al-Jawzī's Captured Thoughts: Page 636-637}

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