Working and earning livelihood: | Prophet stories
The Qur’an tells the story of the Prophet Moses (Muse) (peace be on him) who worked for eight years as a hired man to gain the hand of an old man’s daughter in marriage.
Moses was an excellent worker and employee; the old man’s daughter had displayed real insight into his character. She said,
O my father, employ him; truly, the best for thee to employ is the strong and trustworthy one.
Ibn ‘Abbas said, “David was a maker of coats of mail and shields, Adam was a farmer, Noah a carpenter, Idris a tailor, and Moses a shepherd.”
(Reported by al-Hakim.)
Since every prophet of Allah had some occupation, the Muslim should derive satisfaction in his occupation or profession.
A hadith states:
No one earns his food better than the onewho worked with his hands, and the prophet of Allah, David earned his food by working with his hands.
(Reported by al-Bukhari and others.)
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