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Making the Most of Ramadan: Reflecting on the First Third and Seizing the Remaining Days

Reflecting on the First Third of Ramadan: A Message from Shaykh Saalih Al-Fawzaan

*In only a matter of hours some of us will have concluded ⅓ (10 nights and days) of Ramadaan.*

_If you feel you have done well, seek to maintain and increase._

_If you feel you have slacked, seek to start doing well._

Shaykh Saalih Al-Fawzaan [حفظه الله] said regarding the ten days that have passed from Ramadaan.

❝So let us take account of ourselves regarding these ten days that have passed and how they were spent.

Did we have a concern and pay importance by performing acts of obedience to Allaah, and benefit from them? 

So whoever has done good in them and had a concern and paid importance to them then what is upon him is to increase in good deeds and complete what remains of the month.

Whoever was heedless in the ten days that have passed and was lazy then it is for him to repent and to rectify what remains of this month before all of it passes away, and he has not attained anything.❞

[Majalis Shahar Ramadan Al-Mubarak, (Page: 46)]

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