The time of Sahar is the time between the false dawn and the true dawn.
Sahoor is the meal that is eaten during this time.
Al-Bukhāri narrated from Anas that Zayd bin Thābit said, “We ate sahoor with the Prophet ﷺ, then he stood up to pray.” Anas then asked, “How long was there between the athan and sahoor?” Zayd replied, “As long as it takes to recite fifty ayahs.”
So the one who eats a meal with the intention of Sahoor before this time should know that he doesn’t get the reward for Sahoor.
Some of the people of knowledge said the time for Sahoor is 15 minutes before the athan, some said 20 minutes, and some said 45 minutes.
What is known from the Sahābah is that they would delay their Sahoor as much as they could, hoping for its reward. والله اعلم
[شرح مقاصد الصوم للعز بن عبدالسلام]
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