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What are the different Sects within the Murji'ah

Different Sects within the Murji'ah:

➤ Jahmiyyah: They say eemaan is just ma'rifatul qalb, it just needs to know(about the Oneness of Allah etc). 

➤‎ Al karraamiyyah: They say that the eeman is only the speech of the tongue, not belief in heart nor actions. For them, anyone who says shahaadatayn is mu ’min with complete eeman. 

➤ Murji'atu fuqaha: They say that the eeman is speech and belief in the heart but not the action. -They reject the different levels of eemaan.  
Abu Hanifa is from them, he fell into this problem. Hammad Ibn abi sulayman was the first to bring this belief to kūfa.

[Taken from the lessons of Ustaadh Abdur Rahman Hassan حفظه الله]

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