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Protecting the Honor of Others: A Hadith on Backbiting and Its Consequences

The Importance of Defending Your Brother's Honor: Insights from a Hadith

(The Messenger ﷺ said): “Whosoever protects the honour of his akhī (ie: brother) in his absence, Allah would take it upon himself to protect him from hell fire.” [al-Ḥākim and al-Ṭabarānī on the authority of Asmāʾ b. Yazīd]
"من ذب عن عرض أخيه بالغيبة كان حقًّا على الله أن يقيه من النار. (حم طب) عن أسماء بنت يزيد (ح) ".

“(Whosoever protects the honour of his brother in his absence” meaning: while he (the one being backbitten) is not present at the place,
(من ذب عن عرض أخيه بالغيبة) أي في غيبته عن المقام

and refute the one backbiting him, either he is lying or truthful in what be backbite him with, it is still mandatory to reject backbiting muṭlaqan (ie: in all cases),
ورد على من اغتابه كاذبًا كان أو صادقًا في ما غابه به فإنه يجب رد الغيبة مطلقًا

“Allah would take it upon himself to protect him from fire”, because he protected the honour of his brother from shaming,
(كان حقًّا على الله أن يقيه من النار) لأنه وقي عرض أخيه من الذم

so what is compulsory on the one who hears backbiting is to defend the honour of his brother by speech,
والواجب على سامع الغيبة أن يذب عن عرض أخيه بلسانه

and if he is not capable of doing so, then he should do so with his heart,
فإن لم يستطع فبقلبه

so it is upon him to leave the place because it is a place where munkar is taking place.
وعليه فراق المقام لأنه مقام منكر

Muḥammad al-Ṣanʿānī, al-Tanwīr Sharḥ Jāmiʿ al-Saġīr 10/219 #8652
الصنعاني، التنوير شرح الجامع الصغير ١٠/٢١٩ #٨٦٥٢

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