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The Dangers of Bid'ah: Understanding the Evils of Innovation in Islam

The Grave Consequences of Introducing Innovations into the Religion


Bid'ah indicates evil dangers:

1⃣. It indicates a belying of the saying of ALLĀH:

ٱلۡيَوۡمَ أَكۡمَلۡتُ لَكُمۡ دِينَكُمۡ
“This day I have perfected your religion for you.” {Al-Maa’idah 5:3}

Because when somebody comes with an innovation and considers it as a form of religion; its implication is that the religion is not perfect.

2⃣. It indicates a defamation of the Sharee’ah, and that it is imperfect, so this innovator is the one who makes it perfect with his act of innovation.

3⃣. It indicates a defamation of the Muslims, who do not practice this innovation; so, those people who lived before this innovation; their religion is incomplete – this is a grave danger!

4⃣. Among the implications of this innovation is that what prevails is that whoever is occupied with an innovation, he would be distracted from a Sunnāh, as some of the Salaf said: “People will not innovate an innovation, except that they will demolish its like from the Sunnāh.”

5⃣. These innovations lead to separations in the Ummāh, because these innovators believe that they are the upholders of the truth, and that the others are misguided! And people of the truth say: “You are the ones upon misguidance.” So, their hearts separate.

All of these grave evils result from an innovation because it is an innovation, in addition to the fact that this innovation is accompanied by foolishness in one’s reason, and an imbalance in religion.

{Taken from: Sharh al-‘Aqeedah al-wasatiyyah || Page 450-451}

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