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SULTAN WHO DESTROYED THE GREATEST IDOL | | Shirk in Islam | Islamic History


Mahmud Ghaznavi history in islam

Mahmoud Bin Sabuktigin also known as Mahmoud Ghaznavi (971 AD - 1030 CE)

It is said that his conquests are equal to the size of the conquests of Umar ibn Al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him)

He was famous for his zuhd (asceticism), piety, justice love for fighting in the way of Allah.

Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (may Allah have mercy on him) said about him:

"The Sultanate of Mahmoud bin Sabuktigin was one of the best Sultanate of Islam and Sunnah in his kingdom was dearest. He fought against the polytheists from the people of India and spread justice (in India). The Sunnah in his reign was apparent and Bida' (innovations) was suppressed."

Many battles occurred between Mahmoud Ghaznavi and the Hindus in which he won outstandingly but the most famous of these battles is the Battle of Somnath.

Mahmoud Ghaznavi invaded some of the Indian villages and destroyed some small idols in order to show Hindus that idols do not benefit them or defend them!

Some of the great Hindus said that the idols were destroyed because the older idol Somnath was angry with them. When Sultan Mahmoud Ghaznavi heard the story of the largest idol he decided to destroy it to refute these myths. So he prepared his army and left just like an arrow leaves from a bow.

Mahmoud Ghaznavi surprised them and pounced upon them just like a lion crushes its prey, and the Hindus dug in to defend their alleged idol, but all in ruin. Sultan Mahmoud gave them a huge defeat. 

So when he was about to destroy the Somnath idol, some Hindus offered Sultan Mahmoud lots of amwaal (money/treasure) so that he may leave this idol (i.e. Somnath). And some of his men advised him to take these things and leave the idol. The great Sultan rose up, saying: Do you want me to be called on the Day of Resurrection: Where is Mahmoud who left the idol being worshiped without Allah? No, by Allah, this will never happen. Then He quickly took his sword and smashed the idol, and destroyed this false religion with it! 

In another narration,

After he was offered money and treasures, He (Mahmoud) said, Let me do the Istakhara (an act of seeking guidance in forming a decision) with Allah. When the morning came he said, I have thought about it in this matter. I have seen that I love to be called on the day of Judgment: Where is Mahmoud the destroyer of idol? rather than to be called where is the one who left the idol for this world Then he destroyed it.

Thousands of Hindus then embraced the religion of Allah (Islam) in multitudes after they found their alleged gods were not able to defend themselves.

Thus, whoever leaves a thing for Allah, Allah compensates him better than that. Sultan destroyed the idol and rejected the money and refused to keep people upon disbelief, so Allah compensated him more than the treasures and money which was offered to him i.e; he received the rewards of thousands of people who converted to Islam after destroying these false idols.


• Tārikh al-Islām by Al-Dhahabi.

• Al-Tārīkh by Ibn Khaldūn.

• Al-Bidayah wal- Nihāya by Ibn Katheer.


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