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An innovation practiced by some khateebs & Imams

An innovation practiced by some khateebs & Imams:

Sheikh Ibn 'Uthaymeen rahimahullah said:

”لكن هنا مسألة بعض الأئمة يفعلونها، إذا خطب خطبة قرأ في الصلاة الآيات المناسبة لها، هذا يقال عنه: إنه بدعة؛ لأن الرسول ﷺ كان ملازماً لقراءة سبح والغاشية، أو الجمعة والمنافقون، ولم يكن يراعي موضوع الخطبة.“ 

“Here is an issue practiced by some Imams; that is, whenever they deliver a sermon, they recite in the prayer Aayaat related to that (topic). This is considered an act of innovation because the Messenger ﷺ would always recite Sabbih (Suratul A'la) and Al-Ghashiyyah, or Al-Jumu’ah and Al-Munafiqun, without giving any consideration to the topic of the sermon.” 

[Liqaa'aat Al-Baabil Maftooh (155/18)] 


Benefited from Ustadh Muhammad Shareef Mawlana


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