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What is Sabr in Islam | reward for patience in islam | beautiful explanation

What is Sabr in Islam | What is reward for patience in Islam

explanation of Sabr 

"Sabr is when you hold so much pain inside, but smile in front of people."

"Sabr is when your eyes are full of tears but no one notice because you quickly wipe them away."

"Sabr is when people are too harsh on you, you choose to endure and forgive."

"Sabr is when you don't get what you want, but you still praise to Allah."

"Sabr is when you are in a time of hardship, you are still able to say, Alhumdulillah."

"Sabr is to have complete faith and trust in Allah that will make everything alright."

"Sabr is when you can't understand what's the plans of Allah for you, still you trust his plans."

"Sabr is being content with what Allah has written for you."

Reward for patience:

*اِنَّمَا یُوَفَّی الصّٰبِرُوۡنَ اَجۡرَہُمۡ بِغَیۡرِ حِسَابٍ*

"Indeed, the patient will be given their reward without account."

"Beshak sabr karne wālon hi ko unka poora poora beshumār ajr diya jāta hai."

[Az-Zumar, 39:10]

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