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Consequences of committing sins

Consequences of committing sins

Lack of success, invalid views, absence of righteousness, corruption of the heart, failing to praise Allâh, wasting time, avoidance of other creations, separation between the servant and his Lord, supplications not being answered, construction of the heart, decaying of blessings in subsistence and age, prevention of attaining knowledge, humiliation, insults from enemies, a constricted breast, evil friends that will spoil one's heart and waste time, sadness and grief, a miserable life, and dissapointment.

All that results from sins and neglecting to praise Allâh, as plants grow by being watered but are consumed by fire. The opposite of the above are the consequences of obedience to Allâh, the Almighty. 

[ Al-Fawâ'id - Pg:57 ]


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