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Does Dunya worth it | reminder for Aakhirah

Does Dunya worth it | reminder for Aakhirah 

See, no matter your state of affairs as we speak, know that it won't be forever. 

Life is just as temporary as being a traveler no matter how long you stay. 

Dunya doesn't worth destroying yourself emotionally. It doesn't worth causing harm to yourself. 

As mentioned by the prophet: “Amazing is the affair of the believer, verily all of his affairs are good and this is not for no one except the believer. If something of good/happiness befalls him he is grateful and that is good for him. If something of harm befalls him he is patient and that is good for him” (Saheeh Muslim)

There is always light at the end of the tunnel. There are indeed reasons for everything you are going through right now.

Perhaps, this is your test, your trials from Allah Azza Wa Jal. You know when some of these trials strike, it hits one to the ground; and one may probably think it's over. That, there is no other way out, and thus wanting to give up. 

Some tests may be too heavy to swallow, too big to close your eyes upon; and act as though it isn't significant. It may be that your close friend doesn't care. Perhaps, your family doesn't know how it hurt deeply to the bones. 

So, take a moment to reflect on your unhappiness. Think of the way out. Talk to Allah and see how you can self-manage your pain through your total reliance on Him. Make a plan on how to turn your sadness into kindness and perhaps joy. Think of everything Allah has done for you, from cradle to this moment. 

The truth is, Dunya doesn't worth becoming sad for. It is of great importance to know Dunya is like a prison for a believer and paradise for those who do not believe.

 Know that Allah hasn't forgotten you nor has he forsaken you. 

Allah says:

“…Are you pleased with the life of this world (Dunya) rather than the hereafter (Aakhira)? But little is the enjoyment of the life of this world as compared with the Hereafter” (Quran, Al-Tawbah: 38).

May Allah ease your affairs. 

Umm Sumayyah Mai

#Dunya #Aakhirah #IslamicViews


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