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Jannah is cheap for the one who has the zeal to do good deed

Jannah is cheap for the one who has the zeal to do good deed

Overview (from Shaikh Ibn al-Uthaymeen's explanation of al-Kaafiyati-Shaafiyah):

IMAAM IBN AL-QAYYIM رحمه الله, (referring to the good deeds), said: "The merchandise of al-Rahmaan (the Most Merciful) is not cheap, but it is really expensive for the one who is lazy."

SHAIKH IBN AL-UTHAYMEEN رحمه الله commented (paraphrased): "Indeed it is expensive for the one who is lazy, but the one who has zeal, then it is cheap for him. The actions for the Jannah are cheaper and easier than the actions for the Dunya. Example: For saying "Sub-haan Allaah", a tree is planted in the Jannah without (physical) efforts, tiredness and hardship, and in a place where it will be forever and ever, similarly with saying Alhamdulillaah, Laa ilaaha illallaah, Allaahu Akbar . But in this world, there is too much hardship involved in plantation; finding the right type of plant, planting it, watering it and maintaining it.

It is cheap for the one who has the zeal to do good deeds, in the sense that it is easier for him to do it."

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