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Why a person doesn't initiate the greetings with Salaam

There are a few reasons why a person does not initiate the greetings with Salaam:

1) Ignorance – where people give little importance to the Islaamic greetings of saying: “السلام عليكم” and instead initiate their conversations with “Hello”, “Hi”, “good morning”, “good evening” or in Arabic as “صباح النور”, “مساء الخير”.

2) Negligence – not caring for the rights and honor of others.

3) Pride – Many elders and affluent people do not greet the young or the poor out of pride. They feel like it is humiliation to initiate the greetings to those who are younger to them in age or lower to them in status; or some will feel like: ‘he did not greet me, so I will not greet him either.’

4) Limiting the Salaam to only those who are known.

#Salaam #IslamicKnowledge #inEnglish


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